Lightweight service to create svg badges fast and easy
with 1900 icons and 14 colors

14 Colors

1900 Icons

Click a group to show the icons

Options Free-Tier

You can disable subject, status and icon with the value "none"

Placeholder Type Default
subject String(25) Pocket-BADGES
status String(25) v1.3.8
color String(colorname) blue (#08C)
icon String(iconName) c-pocket

Options Pro-Tier

You can disable subject, status and icon with the value "none"

Placeholder Type Default
api-key String null
subject String(100) Pocket-BADGES
status String(100) v1.3.8
color String(colorname), Int(colorcode) blue (#08C)
icon String(iconName) c-pocket
iconPosition String(left|right) left
size Float(1.0 - 2.5) 1.0